internet marketing strategies

/Tag:internet marketing strategies

7 Reasons Why Internet Marketing is so Important

By |January 10th, 2019|

Studies show total e-commerce sales are expected to double by 2020. At the writing of this article, 42 percent of internet users say they regularly search for and buy products and services online. Internet marketing has become crucial to success regardless if you are an e-commerce or brick-and-mortar business. In this article, we’ll cover 7 […]

What is Internet Marketing? – An Overview for Business Owners

By |March 23rd, 2018|

Have you ever wondered "what is internet marketing?" You should, because 81 percent of shoppers search a brand online before making a purchase. Internet marketing is the umbrella term for the types of marketing strategies used to build and manage your brand's digital presence. This article defines internet marketing and introduces the types of internet marketing strategies present in a successful marketing mix.